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Home Remedies Post Tooth Extraction Care

In this article, you will learn different ways that can help you to reduce pain and discomfort of tooth extraction, and also how you can promote healing, post-surgery –

Change dental gauzes – Once the extraction surgery is complete, the dentist places a thick coating of gauze on the surgical area to stop bleeding and absorb the blood. This gauze must be intact for at least 30 minutes. Once it has completely soaked all the blood, it will be replaced by another and this will probably continue for the next 24 to 48 hours, after the extraction.

Control the pain – You may feel numb for some time after the extraction is complete because of local anesthesia. In case the numbness continues after a few hours, get in touch with your dentist again. You will be prescribed medication to reduce inflammation and pain. Typically, medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen are sufficient to control inflammation and pain after the extraction.

Control swelling – You may feel mild swelling in the surgical area and this is absolutely normal. Apply some ice cubes to avoid further swelling.

Do not disturb the surgical site – You should not irritate or disturb the surgical area for at least 24 hours as this can lead to slow down the blood clotting process and the area will not heal quickly.

  • Avoid touching that area with your tongue
  • Do not suck on it
  • Do not use a straw
  • Do not spit
  • Avoid solid and crunchy food
  • Rinse your mouth regularly and vigorously
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages
  • Avoid mouthwash
  • Do not smoke

Take care while eating – It is advisable to drink lots of fluids and consume soft and nutritious food after tooth extraction. When the surgical areas start to heal and you feel comfortable again, gradually introduce solid foods into your diet. The dentists recommend you chew on the opposite side of your extraction site till the wound is completely healed.

Flossing and brushing – You can start to floss and brush but be extremely careful while brushing so that you do not disturb or irritate the clotting. Rinse your mouth after every 3 to 4 hours with lukewarm and saltwater.


You may face complications such as dry socket which can cause excruciating, radiating pain, and also lead to bad breath. You must visit your dentist to treat this kind of complication. To prevent the problem of dry socket, avoid smoking after the extraction. There can be infection too that is caused by bacteria.

A person should contact the dentist if there is –

  • persistent swelling
  • redness of pus around the operated area
  • swollen glands in the neck
  • fever

If you do not experience any complications, there is no need to contact the OKC dentist because the stitches generally dissolve and they do not need to be removed. A dental surgeon may ask you to stay in touch with him and may schedule follow-up appointments for a week to evaluate how your extraction area heals.

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Best Botox In Oklahoma City
Dental Implants Oklahoma City
Invisalign In Oklahoma City
Pediatric Dentist Oklahoma City

Contact US:

Reflections Dental Care
Address: 10924 Hefner Pointe Dr  Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (405) 563-7097