What Are Cannabis Terpenes?

Cannabis terpenes are distinct aromatic oils that are present in every strain of cannabis. These distinct aromatic profiles can range in flavor from pine and citrus to mint and berry profiles.

Anyone that has burned a little flower in their day knows that cannabis terpenes can have a calming effect on the mind and body. Regardless of the strain, where it was grown, and how it was harvested, cannabis plants give off a very unique aroma when burned, and we now understand what’s behind these complex flavor profiles that we enjoy so much.

When the flower is burned, the aroma that is smelled is terpenes. These flavor profiles can also be extracted and infused with edibles. It doesn’t matter if you consume cannabis products for recreational use, or as a medical treatment, if you enjoy the aroma, then you enjoy cannabis terpenes.

Plant terpenes were developed to repel plant-eating insects and attract predator insects that feed on the destructive insects. The terpene flavor profile of each plant is unique and can be altered by environmental attributes like weather, climate, soil, sunlight exposure, water source, and unnatural elements like fertilizer and harvesting.

There have been over 100 different terpenes that have been identified in the cannabis plant. Flavor profiles are passed down to the next generations of plants. Plants that have berry profiles will pass those along to the next generation. To get a better idea about the terpene strains available, visit https://xtralaboratories.com/.

Terpenes are unique, and while they are an impressive compound, it should be noted that they are even more impressive because of how they interact with other compounds in the cannabis plant, most notably, cannabinoids. Terpenes when consumed in conjunction with other cannabinoids, can alter the experience users have when consuming different strains.

Recent studies indicate that each terpene profile can be attributed to some of the unique effects experienced by the user. Some terpenes can induce relaxation, provide stress relief, and increase focus, while others can improve the mood of a user. These effects can be increased when other compounds are present, this phenomenon is known as the entourage effect.

The therapeutic values of terpenes are also still a mystery, more research is needed to better understand the medical benefits of terpenes when they are consumed with therapeutic cannabinoids. The medical value of the terpenes will continue to be researched.

Terpene Name: Alpha-Pinene
Terpene Aroma: Hints of Pine
Vaporizing Temperature: 311ºF (155ºC)
Sensory Impact: Alertness, memory retention, counteracts some THC effects
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Treatment of asthma, pain, inflammation, ulcers, anxiety, cancer
Other Plants Containing Alpha-Pinene: Pine needles, rosemary, basil, parsley, dill

Terpene Name: Myrcene
Terpene Aroma: Cardamom, cloves, musky, earthy, herbal
Vaporizing Temperature: 332ºF (167ºC)
Sensory Impact: Sedating “couchlock” effect, relaxing
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Antioxidant; treatment of insomnia, pain, and inflammation
Other Plants Containing Myrcene: Mango, lemongrass, thyme, hops

Terpene Name: Limonene
Terpene Aroma: Citrus
Vaporizing Temperature: 348ºF (176ºC)
Sensory Impact: Elevated mood, stress relief
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Treatment of anxiety, depression, inflammation, pain, and cancer
Other Plants Containing Limonene: Fruit rinds, rosemary, juniper, peppermint

Terpene Name: Beta-Caryophyllene
Terpene Aroma: Pepper, spicy, woody, cloves
Vaporizing Temperature: 266ºF (130ºC)
Sensory Impact: Stress relief
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Treatment of pain, anxiety/depression, ulcers
Other Plants Containing Beta-Caryophyllene: Black pepper, cloves, cinnamon

Terpene Name: Linalool
Terpene Aroma: Floral
Vaporizing Temperature: 388ºF (198ºC)
Sensory Impact: Mood enhancement, sedation
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Treatment of anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, inflammation, and neurodegenerative disease
Other Plants Containing Linalool: Lavender

Terpene Name: Humulene
Terpene Aroma: Hops, woody, earthy
Vaporizing Temperature: 222ºF (106ºC)
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Anti-inflammatory
Other Plants Containing Humulene: Hops, coriander, cloves, basil

Terpene Name: Ocimene
Terpene Aroma: Sweet, herbal, and woody
Vaporizing Temperature: 122ºF (50­ºC)
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic, decongestant, antibacterial
Other Plants Containing Ocimene: Mint, parsley, pepper, basil, mangoes, orchids, and kumquats

Terpene Name: Terpinolene
Terpene Aroma: Piney, floral, and herbal
Vaporizing Temperature: 366ºF (186ºC)
Potential Effects: Relaxing
Possible Medicinal Benefits: Antioxidant, sedative, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-cancer
Other Plants Containing Ocimene: Nutmeg, tea tree, conifers, apples, cumin, and lilacs