Monthly Archives: November 2020

Top Two Bone Marrow Transplant Procedures

Bone marrow is a vital part of the body as it produces platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells. There are several cases where bone marrow functions can be impaired due to diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma. To recover from this stage the patient has to undergo a bone marrow transplant procedure. Through this process, the blood stem cells are transplanted into the system. This procedure starts the new bone marrow to grow and take shape.

The bone marrow transplant procedure helps the red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells flow again so that they can defend the body from diseases. Bone marrow is very crucial for the body as it helps in the proper functioning of the entire immune system. Physicians suggest bone marrow transplant procedures after examining the patient and assuring that the bone marrow is unable to produce any stem cells.

Below mentioned is the procedure of the bone marrow transplant.

Bone Marrow Transplant Procedure


Before the bone marrow procedure, a test is conducted to determine which type of bone marrow cells will be required. There are different treatments for different cases. For example, if you are being treated for cancer then a bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow the physician will suggest a biopsy.

Conditioning Process

In this process, the patient is given chemotherapy and radiation or any one of the two. This process takes place before the bone marrow transplant. The doses given here can be less or more depending on the process. There are generally two ways of doing the radiation or chemotherapy. In the Mini transplant, treatment radiation and chemotherapy are given in low dosage. In Myeloablative treatment, both radiation and chemotherapy are given in high dosage.

The reason the conditioning process takes place is to kill the cancer cells and suppress the immune system before the procedure.

There are two types of Bone Marrow transplant procedure that is explained below:

Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant

In this procedure, a donor donates the healthy stem cells. This donor can be anyone but the tissues should match to carry the procedure forward. Through stem cell harvest, the donor stem cells are taken.

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant

This procedure is done by injecting the patient to stimulate the production of stem cells. The injection helps the stem cells to move to the blood that will help initiate the procedure. Once this procedure is done, a machine is used to circulate the blood. The blood circulated is drawn from the veins helping to separate the stem cells from the blood. Once the stem cells are extracted, they are treated with radiation and chemotherapy. Once radiation and chemotherapy are done, the stem cells are again generated back to the body.

Once the healthy stem cells start to spread in your body they soon get formed with the bone marrow. Once this takes place then the production of stem cells starts to take speed. All procedures mentioned above for bone marrow transplant help get your immune system running smoothly. Once the bone marrow treatment is done the engraftment period can take up to a month.

Gift of Life Marrow Registry Also Offers Following Services :

Leukemia Bone Marrow Transplant Donor
Donating Bone Marrow Price

Contact US:

Gift of Life Marrow Registry
Address:  800 Yamato Rd suite 101  Boca Raton, FL
Phone: (800) 962-7769

POU Filter: What Is It & What Are The Benefits?

As you will know, filtering water is very important. Water being a crucial part of our life, we need water for different purposes. Be it for cooking, cleaning, washing or drinking, we need water. To ensure proper health, it is also important to look after the quality of water. Purified and filtered water is what we all need, especially for drinking and cooking. But there are a lot of impurities and toxic materials that reside in the water. You will need a good filtration to ensure that you are drinking clean and pure water. One of the best options to consider is the POU filter or Point-Of Use filter.

What is POU filter?

The point-of-use filter is a filtration system which is installed right where you are using the water. This can be in any individual faucet, tap or shower. The point-of-use filtration system encompasses filters which can easily connect to the water line under your washbasin or sink. If you need filtration for a single tap or faucet, then this can be the right and perfect filtration system for you. It is mainly connected to the water line in a specific area where you will need to filter the water.

Benefits of the POU filter

Some of the benefits of using the POU filter are:

  1. Targeted use: If you are installing the point-of-use filter in a particular tap or faucet, then you will get filtered water in that particular source of water. This is useful when you want purified water to filter the water for your specific need, such as drinking or cleaning etc.
  2. Great taste: Who doesn’t like to drink water with good taste? Well, everyone wants that. If you feel that your tap water taste awful, then it is a good idea to install a point-of-use filtration system. This will help you to get better tasting water for drinking and cooking.
  3. Odor-free water: Another problem with the drinking water is that it sometimes contains a pungent smell. This odor can be irritating and disgusting for people to drink or use. If you are having the same problem with your water, then it needs purification and filtration. With the help of the point-of-use filter, you can successfully remove the odor from the water.
  4. Filters out the sediments: Water, generally, contains sediments such as clay, silt and dirt. Consuming these sediments in any form is not good for you. It can be harmful for your health and body. Using a filtration system right at the point of use can help you in filtering out all the sediments from water and you will get clean water for use.
  5. Remove harmful materials: Besides sediments, water can also have harmful elements in it. It can be lead, iron and many more. It is important to remove these harmful materials effectively so that you can enjoy clean and healthy water.


So, it is quite clear from the above why POU filter is a great solution for your house. If you want to filter the water specifically of the kitchen or bathroom, then you can install the point-of-use filtration system there. This will help you to get healthy and filtered water from that particular source.

Nephros Inc. Also Offers Following Services :

Lead Filter System
Dialysis Quality Water
Infection Control Water

Contact US:

Nephros Inc.

Address:380 Lackawanna Pl, South Orange, NJ
Phone: (201) 343-5202